Meet Alex Warren '19
When I first came to Bronx Science, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do in life. I was thinking of being an astrophysicist but apart from that I was lost. My freshman year I joined the robotics team. Learning programming and using it to control robots is incredibly fun, and it’s the reason I like robotics in general. I have learned a lot throughout my time on the team and it has inspired me to pursue computer science in college. At competitions, we all cheer for the team to do well, like one big family. The robotics team is just one subsection of the larger Bronx Science community. I have met some of my closest friends there as well.
At Bronx Science, I truly feel like I belong. There is an incredible number of interesting people at the school, and each year I meet more. At the school, there are so many opportunities that everyone can find something they truly love to do. Personally, Bronx Science has allowed me to discover my passion for computer science. If I had gone to a different high school, I probably wouldn’t be on the same path that I am on now. The school has impacted me in a way that I never could have imagined.
Apart from the extracurriculars, the classes at BronxScience have played a large role in how I view scienceand math. In middle school, I did like math, however I never really considered it one of my favorite subjects. In high school, the teachers that I had for math have helped me appreciate it much more. The teachers at Bronx Science really care about the subjects that they teach and that has helped me realize that math is one of my favorite subjects. This is true for other classes as well. Last year, my english teacher made me appreciate literature much more than I had before. Previously, I would consider English to be one of my least favorite subjects but now, I am much more open minded in English class. Another example of a class that my teacher made truly engaging was my Physics class last year. My teacher made sure that we had all of the resources that we needed to do well and because of that physics is one of my favorite sciences here.
Bronx Science is special to me because it has shaped me into the person that I am today. From the teachers to the extracurriculars to the students, the school has had a large impact on me and has helped me realize who I want to be going forward.