Speech & Debate Team 50th Anniversary
We cordially invite all alumni, parents and friends to join us at the Speech & Debate Team 50th Anniversary*! This is a wonderful time to reflect on the extraordinary excellence of the team and celebrate our collective success.
Speech & Debate Team 50th Anniversary
Date: Friday, June 10, 2022
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Location: 583 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
Black Tie
There is no cost to attend but we encourage everyone to make a personally meaningful donation to attend. All alumni who are able to give at leadership levels to help advance our team’s goals are encouraged to visit our Sponsorship Opportunities page about naming opportunities and how to make a transformative gift.
The suggested contribution for all alumni, parents and friends who are able is $500 to sponsor a varsity team member. For young alumni, the suggested contribution is $100 to sponsor a novice team member.
*Celebrated in our 52nd year
To help or for any questions, please contact us at speechanddebate@bxscience.edu or by calling 718-817-7800.